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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Senior Citizens Are in Jeopardy of Losing Health Care

Rising health care costs, a decreasing income tax base, and the increasing number of retirees contribute to possible earlier depletion of the Medicare hospital insurance trust fund which is now expected to happen in 2024, 5 years earlier than previously estimated.  This is frightening news to the 46 million people currently enrolled in Medicare many of whom rely solely on social security income averaging $1077 per month.  Social Security retirement benefits are as well in jeopardy of being cut as the funding source dwindles.

Congress has been slow to enact substantive reforms that do not rely on obsolete premises such as cutting physician and hospital payments by 30 per cent.  As in other similar situations like approving the federal budget, legislators have been painstakingly slow in acting, waiting until the very last minute to find a stop gap measure.  If Congress acts true to form in its procrastination, senior citizens, health consumers, and health care providers are in for a tragic health care crisis. 

The trustees of the Medicare and Social Security programs are sounding the alarm call.  Led by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the trustees warn of the impending perfect storm in health care which could lead to drastic cuts in health care benefits and services.

Now more than ever, it is important for the young and old alike to make the necessary lifestyle changes to remain healthy as long as possible.  Many illnesses are attributable to over indulgence, overeating, sedentary lifestyle and tobacco abuse.  These are preventable and doable by the individual.  It is clear that we are no longer able to simply expect someone else to fix us.  We, like our government, need to be proactive with our own health care and remain healthy for as long as possible.

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